Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You want to prosecute who?!

We ask our men and women to go forth and protect our interests. We put them in harms way knowing they may need to lay down their life for our country or people from other countries in the hopes of delivering the ultimate Christmas present, freedom and democracy. When they do go forth and do what we ask, we in turn believe some cowardly bully from another country who openly admits he hates America and what we stand for. He admits he would willingly die for a chance to kill one American citizen. Does anyone honestly believe that 3 SEALS hurt one lowly Jihadist? If they were going to put a hurtin on this guy, a fat lip would be the least of his worries.
This is one of those times when we should stand up and speak up. Do so by signing a petition to stop the prosecution of those brave men and let them go back to doing what they do best. That is not dying for their country but making others die for theirs.

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