Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do polls matter?

We have seen polls-a-plenty in the last few months. All kinds of polls. Is it all Bush’s fault or is it Obama’s fault? Are the Democrats the problem or is it the Republicans? Do you view blah blah blah?

WHO CARES?!?! If polls mattered, the Health care “reform” would not have passed the way it did yesterday.

Every week we hear about this group or that group making noise about the various causes. It seems to me that he who speaks loudest wins, regardless of the cause or it's validity. Unless it is a conservative voice. We have “the greenies” screaming save the planet, so now we won’t drill for oil right here in America where we have it available by the barrel. We have Democrats in Congress telling the public, on record and on the news every day, that the vast majority of Americans want health care reform. We have the Speaker of the House stating that the majority want the public option. Speaker, the vast majority DO NOT want the public option. The vast majority do want health care reform. BUT we do want the government “hands out of the cookie jar”!

If polls mattered, the representatives that we voted into office and that work for us would not have passed that pile of crap called a health care reform bill. We have seen the TEA Party attendees maligned and made fun of by those who swore that the election of Obama would bring an era of “peace and civility” back to Washington DC. Speaker Pelosi, YOU LIE!!! If by peace and civility you mean calling TEA Party attendee’s Nazi’s then I guess you have succeeded.

The White House has declared war on Fox News. Why? Because they will not tow the party line and bow at the alter of Obama. They are viewing the political happenings in Washington with skepticism and distrust. Could it be a political ideology conflict? Maybe. Could it be that Fox News is doing what Journalists are supposed to do? Maybe. Or could it be that the White House is mad that they have gotten the main stream media brainwashed and Fox simply didn’t go “gentle into that good night”? Probably. Fox has resisted singing ANYONE’S praises, including Bush. I seem to recall them taking him to task regarding multiple issues so why should Obama be any different.

Polls don’t matter. They might matter to you and I, but I doubt they matter to the White House, to Congress or to the cronies that reside in Washington D.C. (District of Criminals). They didn't matter 1 year ago and they don't matter now. Regardless of whether anyone asks me a poll question or not, my opinion is this:
1) Government is the problem not the solution.
2) More Government makes more problems than it fixes.
3) With our Governments track record of abyssmal failure, why should I trust them now, regardless of who is in the White House and controlling Congress?

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