Monday, October 12, 2009

Random questions.....

1) I am wondering if/when ANYONE will stand up and tell the Congress we have had enough?

2) Am I the only person willing to call the President a liar?

3) Am I the only person willing to question EVERY person he has appointed to positions of significant influence yet not be accountable to anyone?

4) At what point does the President accept the issues he has to face are his and his alone? When does it cease to be a problem he inherited from the previous administration?

Things that make me go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I'm guessing the answers are as follows.
1) No
2) No
3) No
4) Never as far as I can predict

This is the issue. We have a Congress and a President who feel that the citizens of this country are insignificant. They feel as if we and our opinions do not matter. They think that the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. A few, 15 Million or so, need health care. So lets destroy a system, while having flaws, is still the best system around for the many, 285 million or so.
The debt is rising. Lead by example and do your job for no salary. That would help significantly. That is the best start, I can see, to eliminate wasteful spending.

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