Monday, October 5, 2009

Just another week

We embark on another week of the MSM praising Obama. We get to listen, if you so desire to tune in, to them chant his name, regurgitate his mantra for change and hope. Yet for all the hype around this President, he has done very little. He failed to get the Olympics to Chicago. He has done nothing in the Middle East. The way the MSM had him hyped prior to his swearing in, he was going to solve world hunger, stop the wars in the Middle East, prevent global warming and get Israel and Iran to sing Cumbaya around a campfire eating smores!
So what has he done? I mean what has he really accomplished? Nine months into a 4 year lifetime and he has accomplished JACK! Other than Bow to a foreign country leader. O yeah, we are now about $12 TRILLION dollars in debt. He is spending my hard earned dollars faster than I ever did.
Is it time to audit the Federal Reserve? It sure is. If I was doing what they Government does in a business, I would 1) be fired and 2) the board of directors would surely audit the books. And both with good reason. Where is the money going would be the first question. Where, if any, are the sweetheart deals being made would be a legitimate question.
Tell them to start the audit!!

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